GeForce RTX 4080 Silicon Updated by NVIDIA with AD103-301 SKU
According to reports, NVIDIA has started releasing graphics cards featuring the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 that have a newer GPU SKU that eliminates the need for PCB design and should reduce production costs. When the GeForce RTX 4080 graphics cards were first released, the business provided its AD103-300-A1 SKU to power them. The RTX 4080 cards that the business intends to send to its AIBs and maybe employ in the reference design, however, will be powered by the new AD103-301 SKU. The GPU performance and power envelope should remain unchanged with the new 301 version. The PCB design specifications do vary since the new SKU revision has a different chip pinout than the previous design.
While Gainward and VideoCardz both offer updated cards, HKEPC has reported that GPUs with the AD103-301 SKU are shipping, and VideoCardz has confirmed the AIB update. Additionally, GALAX offers RTX 4080 variants with the AD103-300/301. A SKU change will also be made to the GeForce RTX 4070 Ti, with AD104-250 being replaced by AD104-251. The consumer will not notice any difference with these latest silicon upgrades. The AIBs and NVIDIA, though, might experience a cost cut to boost profitability. With the new SKU, HKEPC predicts a $1 BOM cost reduction, which will affect the number of cards shipped by thousands.